{ "$schema": "https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/block.json", "apiVersion": 3, "name": "core/home-link", "category": "design", "parent": [ "core/navigation" ], "title": "Home Link", "description": "Create a link that always points to the homepage of the site. Usually not necessary if there is already a site title link present in the header.", "textdomain": "default", "attributes": { "label": { "type": "string" } }, "usesContext": [ "textColor", "customTextColor", "backgroundColor", "customBackgroundColor", "fontSize", "customFontSize", "style" ], "supports": { "reusable": false, "html": false, "typography": { "fontSize": true, "lineHeight": true, "__experimentalFontFamily": true, "__experimentalFontWeight": true, "__experimentalFontStyle": true, "__experimentalTextTransform": true, "__experimentalTextDecoration": true, "__experimentalLetterSpacing": true, "__experimentalDefaultControls": { "fontSize": true } }, "interactivity": { "clientNavigation": true } }, "editorStyle": "wp-block-home-link-editor", "style": "wp-block-home-link" } Certificates – Devson Global

Our Certificates

Devson Global, a distinguished non-governmental organization (NGO), stands as a beacon of hope and positive change in our global community. Through unwavering dedication and tireless efforts, Devson Global has consistently demonstrated its commitment to fostering social progress, empowering individuals, and driving impactful initiatives that uplift the lives of countless people.
certificate of Recognition
Scan 2023
The Companies ACT, 2013
Approval Letter
Certificate of Incorporation
Memorandum of Association
Spice PAR